come across this story when i look through my friend page in facebook~
Came accross this JOKE.
Title : Child's impression on her father.
4 Years : My dad can do anything.
7 years : My dad is cleverer than your dad
14 years: Well, father does not seem to know that either.... Read more
19 years : Father is hopelessly old fashioned.
21 years : What do you expect? He knows nut.
25 years : Excuse him lah. He's getting senile(nyanyuk).
35 years : Let's get Dad's opinion.
40 years : Better ask Dad what he would do before we make a decision.
45 years : I wonder what Dad would have thought about that? He was pretty clever.
50 years : My dad was very knowledgeable and wise.
60 years : I'd give anything if Dad was here so I could talk this over with him. I really miss him.
although im not close with my parent,im still thinking..what if someday i suddenly lost them?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
a litttle piece of advice~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Tadi,masa tgh baring2 atas tilam,aku termenung sendiri.Macam2 yg aku fikirkan. Tapi ape yg paling menarik is,aku terfikir tentang ape yg Am and Puteri tanye kat aku malam semalam.
"Bob,knape ko macam laen je skrg?ko ade problem ke?"
Sebenarnya,aku sendiri pun x taw ape masalah aku and im trying to find an answer to dat question. Ntah laa~ bukannye aku x nk enjoy.siapa yg x nk enjoy kn? kalaw budak2 baek and mamat skema tu len cite ar.Stakat dok kat umah,surf internet and study dah leh wat dorg enjoy~
cuma,semenjak dua menjak aku da jadi kurang berminat untuk berhibur. Hari tu,time roadtrip,am ada ajak.tapi aku x pegi dgn alasan "aku malas". Bodoh giler jawapan tu. Best kowt pegi roadtrip,ramai2 dgn member.Haihh.knape la anda bodoh sngt encik pali? and,even smlm dol and aidil ajak pegi clubbing pun aku x pegi.
sekarang ni mcm seolah-olah banyak benda yg mengusutkan fikiran aku neh.cuma,aku x tau macam mana nak mengungkap benda-benda tu dalam bentuk perkataan.haihh~ aku rasa,ni antara perkara-perkara yg mengusutkn otak aku:-
Benda yg paling aku malas nk buat selama ni.then,aku rajinkn diri jugak untuk study.walaupun topik yg aku blajar sekarang ni macam bodoh giler,tapi aku paksa jugak diri ni untuk study. sebabnya?X nk sejarah dulu jadi balik and sbb parent dah suruh cmtu~
Masa mula-mula datang Bali dulu,aku dgn dia ok je.Boleh borak2,text and kadang2 hang out same.but,all of a sudden,tiba-tiba dia berubah,jauhkan diri and sampai delete aku dari friendlist kat facebook.Kalaw nk buat cmtu pun,xpe least..giv me a reason plz.will you?
Actually,it is not really assignment.Cuma beberapa task bodoh yg aku kene siapkan untuk block Medical Communication annoyed me~
Actually,ade bnyk benda lagi.Tapi x tahu nk luahkan cmne.Benda-benda ni ganggu waktu tidur aku kowt.Kadang-kadang at times aku boleh x tidur satu hari. Tapi,ade hikmah jugak kowt.
Time aku x tido tu aku slalu borak dgn sum1(thru YM) and she cheers me up. haha,yea,its you. thanx cik Nurlyn Alysa.Dekuju=D
haihh.Da cukup la kowt aku membebel ni.Terima kasih kepada siapa2 yg sudi membaca.and, terima kasih jugak kepada bintang-bintang yg temankan aku selama ni~
p/s~Bila bersedih,cuba lihat ke langit dan cari bintang-bintang yg berkerlipan di sana.
Keindahan dan cahaya bintang mampu membuat kita rasa tenang~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
goals of life?
"Nothing matters, we're all just cockroaches, wildebeests dying in the riverbank, nothing we do has any lasting meaning"
-words by Dr House(on facebook)
p/s~haha.nice words.but it can be true,aite?
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 6:36 AM 0 comments
Kalaw benci sngt,takkan sampai delete from friend list in facebook kot?
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 08, 2009
stop and ponder~
What will happen if Angels actually are not really Angel?
What if it is actually a Devil in disguise that are trying to hurt you?
What if You actually hav an Ugly Duckling in your care?
and suddenly u you realise that when it grown up,it was actually a very beautiful Swan?
in any case,its just a metaphore,dat im using to express my feeling.. deep in my heart,im still confuse,wut hav i done wrong?
Ignorance from the person dat we love will hurt us deeply~
that is wut im feelin now.Let the time goes by,and the answer will came.. Hopefully~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 4:39 AM 0 comments
a moment of terror?
Hari ni start lecture for da new block,Medical Communication.sumpah busan mcm haram. naseb bek least lagi senang dari studium generale kot.haha.neway,im hoping for da best for my Studium Generale exam=D
Pagi2,jam 8 aku dah bangun.tibe2 terbangun awal arineh.On lappy,pasang lagu and then bukak buku,study2 sket.gler kowt~ x pnh2 aq bangun pagi tros study.haha.slalu bangun2 dgr,"fadh,bangun!!angkut da sampai" Suara si Boboy~sialan sungguh.haha.then kul 8.50,mandi, siap2 and tros gi kost Beto,nk amek dia gi lecture.smpai2 je,Beto ckp,"Fadh,ko pegi ar,aq x sehat ni" haha.jawapan yg selalu aku gune=D
then,aku pun gerak la menuju ke kampus Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana.Masuk2 lecture hall,perasaan tidak mahu membuka mata menjadi sangat tinggi.aku tahan sampai abes lecture.Bila aku ingt lecture da abes,tibe2 masuk sorg dosen(lecturer) ni.Bagi briefing pasal student project.sialan sungguh~ da ar banyak keje kat student project tuh.kene dapat sign Facilitator SGD lagi.haihh.dah naseb,nk wat cmne~
dalam pukul 11 cmtu,aku sampai kat kost.tiba2 rase lapar pulak.lalu aku pun menuju ke warung "Baroqah".beli nasi campur then gi kost Beto,makan.Beto baru bangun.dasat sungguh=D
selesai makan,aku pun pulang ke kost.dalam jam 12 rasenye.lepak2 jap,then tros pasang laptop,pasang lagu and tros siapkan student project and learning task.tibe2 aku rase hari ni aku sngt rajin.enggak tau mengapa~
jam 1.30,aku gerak kembali ke kampus,keseorangan sebab Beto masih malas nk pergi~ sampai2 je,tgk org ramai2 kumpul kat dataran dpn kampus tuh.aku tertanya2 ape yg berlaku pun jalan menuju ke kumpulan manusia tersebut.Nampak abg Haniff tgh borak2 dgn,aku pun tnye dia ape yg berlaku sebenarnya.
"hari ni ade prediction yg ada gempa bumi skala 8.8 skala ritcher akan berlaku dia Bali at around 3 o'clock"
whut da hell?! 8.8 skala ritcher Bali boleh hancur kowt.apatah lagi dgn sifat geografi Bali ni sebagai sebuah pulau.Ada risiko tsunami lagi~ so,aku pun pulang ke kost dgn perasaan berdebar-debar.sebelum balik kost aku panggil Beto dulu.xnk ape2 yg buruk terjadi. then kitorg gerak kembali ke kampus.
lepas around 30 minutes kat kampus,baru aku ingt yg aku x bawak Passport and Kittas(kartu izin tinggal terbatas). risau pasal laptop aku pun ajak beto balik and amek sume barang2 tu~
jam 3 aku da kembali ke kampus.hati masih berdebar-debar.cuma satu je aku fikir masa tu. "am i ready for this?" x pnh expect pun benda2 cmni slama ni.
3.05pm.. nothing happen~
3.10pm. nothing happen~
3.15pm. nothing happen~
3.25pm.nothing happen~
alhamdulillah,xde apa-apa tremor yg trasa.maybe prediction tu silap. walaupun xde apa-apa yg berlaku,still,it was a terrifying moment kot.amat menakutkan.the thin is,earthquaketu 8.8 skala ritcher.very strong indeed.syukur jugak xde apa-apa yg terjadi.Hopefully semuanya akan selamat sepanjang di Bali ni.
"when they are in a comfortable situation,humans tends to forget about the word TERROR..
but when they are stuck in a very tight situation,they will have a full understanding of what TERROR means.." -fadhli
"kenapa manusia dilahirkan dengan perasaan?jika tiada perasaan,maka tidak akan ada rasa dipinggirkan atau diabaikan"
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 4:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
found a new COMPANION~
parent smpai kat airport jam 3 petang.hati melonjak riang menerima TEMAN baru yg akan menemani diri di bali=D teman parent check in kat Villa Akara,Seminyak. x tersangka harga villa tu 4 juta rupiah sehari >.<
bangun di pagi hari,breakfast,then masuk dalam kereta sewa.Jalan2 mahu menuju ke Kintamani, kawasan tanah tinggi kat Bali neh. sebelum smpai kintamani singgah Batu Bulan kejap. Singgah kat kdai painting,ukiran kayu,batik and tempat proses silver. sampai di kintamani,nasib x baek. hujan gerimis and berkabus,so x dpt tgk volcano and lakes yg ad kat kintamani tuh.haihh
nothing much.pegi shopping barang2 sket untuk kost.beli,rak,bedsheets,and some ornaments.then,pegi ke kost i and do some makeovers.and,got my broadbands today also=)
hav lectures today.but miss all of them coz im dead asleep~haihh.parents sume pegi ke Bedugul and tanah lot.malas nk ikut atas sebab2 tertentu.a very lame day.
cannot stop myself from thinking bout her~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bali oh BALI~
udah 3 minggu di baru sempat nk update blog.sibuk gler skrg.dgn orientasi lagi,aktiviti fakulti,lecture and so on laa~
nyhu,bali is a very nice place=D weather is just nice.foods pun ok,cheaps and delicious~ tp yg paling best senior2 sume friendly:) we,malaysians are lyke one big happy family.senior really help us a lot during our adaptation process here. thank you a.alan,k.wanie,k.pu3,a.amrie,k.shiera and sume la:) x larat nk tulis sume skali.haha.
goin to get my laptop on dis leh on9 puas2 afta dis:D will,upload sum photos on da next post~ SELAMAT HARI RAYA,MAAF ZAHIR BATIN
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
FLYing high~
tomorrow will be the day..haihh.akhirnye terbang jugak meninggalkan malaysia. bercampur baur perasaan ni. tapi yang pasti,sdih nk mninggalkan orang tersayang(u know who u are~) thanx for your post about me=) orang xkn lupe punye.hehe.
neway,x bawak laptop gi,of cos la susah nk on9 kn.paling cpt leh on9 time raya nnti. x taw cmne nk cntct mmbr2.haihh~neway,just wait and see laa..
BALI,wait for me,here I come~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 17, 2009
Thank You Mom~
haha.arini agak hepy jugak laa~tadi,lepas amek adek tuisyen,tiba2 ibu berkata, "x nk cari barang untuk pergi indon ke nnti?xlama dah ni". and,i think dat shes rite.x lame da pun..tggl 3 hari jew,lepas amek adek kat rawang,aku,ibu and adek2 tros gi one utama. tadi hujan lebat. kene drive slow2.tensyen~haihh.
then,smpai one utama.DAMN! parking pnoh.haihh.lupe lak hari neh hari,pusing2 la cari parking.usha org2 yg nk klua,tapi,sekor pon x klua.haihh.beranak ke hape dlm one utama tuh.haha.dekat 30minit pusing2 baru laa dapat parking.haihh~pnat
then,sampai2,tros singgah pizza hut.adek,aku pun melantak ar skali!haha.then, tiba2 ibu ckp,"ayie nk hadiah ape untuk pergi bali?". aku tersentak.btol ke ibu aku ni. ingtkn dia maen2,tapi bila aku tgk muka dia,xde riak maen2 pun. aku pun fikir,ape yg aku xde lagi~
3.electric guitar
4.i pod
aku memang mengidam nk laptop,tapi ibu ckp,ayah mmg da plan nk beli,so mmg x yah beli laa.
then,electric guitar...mmg mengidam jugak.tapi fikir balek~haihh.kene study kuat kat endon nnti,yelaa..nk dpt at least 3,no point la kalaw beli gitar. so,either fon or i pod. fikir punye fikir,last2 i decide to take a thats what i get=) nokia 5800 express music!
thanx ibu.i appreciate i noe dat u never forget me actually. im really sory..
hari ni,ibu spend at least rm1800 for me alone.bila aku tenung fon yg baru aku dapat, aku dapat rasakn kasih syg ibu aku terhadap aku. siyesly,im happy,sad,terharu..sume skali at the same time.ahh..keluar jugak air mata. peduli hape org nk ckp..air mata seorang anak,yg selama ini buta kerana tidak nampak kasih sayang ibunya..
ibu,maybe ayie segan nk cakap semua ni depan ibu..tapi dalam hati ayie..
ayie sayang ibu!u r da best mother in dis world..
thank you mom.
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
You Are Not Alone(but,yes,im alone)
Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
But you are not alone
'Lone, 'lone
Why, 'lone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
Whisper three words and I'll come runnin'
And girl you know that I'll be there
I'll be there
You are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone...
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
failure is not the end,it is the beginning of sumthing new=)
lagi seminggu je lagi i will be in malaysia.then i will be gone for good to INDONESIA. pegi BALI lagi.haha. tapi,pegi pun utk study,bukan leh mlancong.haha.tapi hati ni berbelah-bagi. hepy pun ade,risau pun ade.haihh.mmg la best nk fly,tapi...haihh.
1.pegi sane bukan dgn scholar,tapi dgn LOAN from JPA.
2.kene dpt 3.00 pointer untuk 1st year,kalaw x loan pun kene tarek balek
3.kene pakai duet sndiri dulu,mcm2 kne beli untuk gi sana.
tapi sume satu pengajaran:) x elok kite menyesali bnda yg da point. jadikan ni satu azam untuk study btol2~
for the 1st year,my target is ---->> pointer 4.00 =D
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Failure is the best teacher after all
haihh.semalam dapat result for a level.3c.sape x kecewa kot.tapi x pelaa.tu satu ujian.
jika difikir-fikir mungkin ini yg terbaek buat diriku.failure is the best teacher after all.kalaw tidak menemui kegagalan,pasti diri ini akan terus lena dalam buaian kejayaan.jika ini yg terbaik buat diriku,aku redha=)
be strong~Posted by Si Beruang~ at 6:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 30, 2009
AUSSIE mossie
wuuuu~da 3 hari kat malaysia baru nk post pasal gi aussie sket laaa. nk wat medical check up lagi,wat passport, sungguh. neh pun nk cite sal aussie,so x leh ngarut lebey2.haha~ ermmm,Aussie x jauh beza sngt owh ngan malaysia. just sejuk sket jew negara tuh.yg len same jew kot. pict kat Coolangatta airport. dia i think KLIA wus much better kot:P
ermm,cakap pasal Aussie msti org ingt cik koala dan abg kangaroo en?,naseb bek sempat jumpe dorg:) cumel owh! rase mcm nk panggang je or pegi wat bbq.haha.
haaaa,ni cik koala.keje dia makan and tido jew.sleep for 18 hours per day:)\kalah aku owh. haha.
pkataan "koala" tu sbnanye bmaksud "no drinks".dat means koala ni x minum. dia dpt air drpd daun yg dia makan jew.dia cume akan minum bila dia saket or tlampau excited=D yg ni pulak abg kangaroo.haha. mcm tikus pun ade rupe dia neh:) kan-ga-roo tu actually bermaksud i dont know~haha. believe it or not.
actually,zaman dulu,ade sorg zoology ni. org tnye dia,what is dat animal sir?and dia jawab, kan-ga-roo,yg bmksud i dont,smpai skrg, haiwan tu dipanggil kangaroo:)
selain tu,xde pape sngt pun kat aussie ni.just 1 thing yg aq respect,aussies are very cautious bout zebra crossing.kalaw kat malaysia,org nk lintas lagi dia nk langgar.kalaw kat sane x lintas lagi kereta da stop,giv way utk org sbb kalaw sape2 yg langgar pedestrian, akan digantung lesen and kene bayar saman yg tinggi.i think,bout 3000 aussie dolar kot:)
so,dats it kot,ni just some picture to show u guys hows australia looks like~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
btol2 x de mood skrg neh.xtaw nape. da la esok nk gi aussie da.ntah laa,pape je la.
mcm2 problem dtg.xdenye benda yg nk wat happy! life sucks~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
currently obsessed wif this chick up there~ emma watson or hermione granger in the harry potter.cute~ having such a cute smile=)
still in the mood of harry potter even the new movie was very slow.haihhh. neway,i really feel like flying rite now.and i will be away for australia for 5 days.haha.tangkap gambar dgn cik kangaroo~ im flying,WINGARDIUM LEVIORSA~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 10:20 PM 0 comments
xtaw laaa.bila siang2,x rase pape sngt.tapi bila da tgh2 malam ni,baru trase sdey. keseorangan kowt~ haih.mmg sdey.1st of all,mmg la da dpt placement kat udayana.but,still,chong x dpt lagi placement kat risau and kesian kat dia.hari2 dgr leteran mak tercinta. i noe ur feeling chong,tapi dunnoe how to help u..dats y aq prefer diam diri bila start borak psl ni.kalaw leh, aku nk same university dgn chong.i enjoy my lyfe wif him.susah nk cari kawan jg sehati sejiwa ngan kita neh.i hope da best for u~
secondly,family.haihhh.da berkurun,tapi x settle2 not close wif my,x rase ape sngt laa.but wut will happen to my sys and bro?dorg kecik lagi~
and,im missing my life at KTT.btol la org cakap.bila benda dpn mata,kita x pernah nk hargai.
tapi..bila dah xde,baru nk nyesal.haihhh.manusia,manusia.rindu nk men futsal malam2,shisha and yg plg pnting,rindu nk lepak gelak2 dgn kawan! i miss ALL of them! chong,boboy,josh,poyot, naj,acap,miq,dol,uncle,beto and ramai lagi laa.x larat nk tulis.
neway,need to keep myself happy,so dat i can entertain the person around me. hahha. they see me as a cheerful 'beruang',and i want them to keep thinking dat wat, be strong fadhli~
p/s~sory syaza,psl tadi tu.x bniat nk wat u marah
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:07 AM 0 comments
voices from heaven~
haih.da lame x dgr suara org nyanyi untuk si beruang neh.tiba-tiba malam ni ad si cumel nyanyi untuk dia.hahah.sedap2.walaupun dia tgh demam,tapi stil sdap.cian dia. thanx cik cumel:)
u really cheer me up tonite:) dah la tengah sdey2. chat ngan dia,layan perangai dia yg manje2 tu. really cheers me up~
neway,ad 3 minggu lebey je lagi kat malaysia tercinta neh,then i will gone for good. haha.
going to udayana,bali.Cmne la agaknye life kat sane nnti kn? ni pun passport x settle lg, medical check up pun still not done.haiyaa~
haih.xlarat maw mnaip lagi neh.badan maseh panas,pening2,cukup la neh~
p/s~thanx again cik cumel:)
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
kanak-kanak riang Indonesian Bound 08/09
ni pnuh MUHAMMAD FADHLI. rakyat biase di dlam indonesian bound=D
Ni pnuh,MUHAMMAD IZWAN.Teman sepermainan main futsal=)
Ni Poyot.Name pnuh,MUHAMMAD HAFIZ.kecik je orgnye,tapi keeper kebal time men futsal=)
Ni josh.Name pnuh,JOSHUA PETERSON A/L PETER LEGI.Orang iban yg asal dari Kuching,Sarawak.buat lawak mcm cibai and slalu wat org gelak=)
ni pnuh,AMINUDIN.peminat sejati pokemon.cukup jaga pasal penampilan. Kalau usik rambut dia confirm dia mengamuk=)
Ni Boboy,name btol NAQUIB AKMAL BIN KASSIM.Asal dari kota kinabalu. Special ability,leh mengadap labtop 24/7 tanpa henti untuk men game or tgk cite korea=)
Ni Chong.Name pnuh,HAMIZI HABRI.anak pada pakcik ayub wong. slalu teman aq men gitar and teman aq jadi kelawar tgh2 malam=)
kanak-kanak riang yg lain akan diperkenalkn dalam post yg akan datang=)
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
exams mode~turned off!
yeay!exam da abes!hahha.
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 01, 2009
suara hati~
aritu,time lepak2 kat apartment dgn chong and fakhri,men petik2 gitar,tibe2 dapat lak ilham nak wat lagu.Mula2 just dapat chord lagu je.then after some adjustment,add on some pluckings and bass,complete ar lagu tu.Leh dikatakan dat song are all about isi hati aq and chong yg tgh patah hati.hahah.guess wut,dat song turns out pretty nice~
Bm G
when i look you in the eyes,
the time stand still and i nevel felt so alive,
Bm G
all the time that we spent together,
will be the memories that makes me smiles.
~Bm G A D
Bm G
all the moments we shared,
it meant so much eventhough it was history,
Bm G
i imagine u're in front of me,
holding me tightly and never let go..
C Dm
i will be waiting for you,
under this moonlight our dreams will come true,
C Dm
i will be waiting for you,
blinded with love i can see only you..
moon seems like a shadows of you,
reminds me the things that we have been through,
in the darkness i stand alone,
looking around wishing that u were here.
when i gaze at the stars i cried,
coz i cant bear it when you walk away...
i will be waiting for you,
under this moonlight our dreams will come true,
i will be waiting for you,
blinded with love i can see only you.
i will be waiting for you,
under this moonlight our dreams will come true,
i will be waiting for you,
deep in my heart i swear theres only you....
(bridge~ F# Bm F# Bm F# Bm )
i will be waiting for you,
blinded with love i can see only you,
i will be waiting for you,
deep in my heart i swear theres only you....
musics completed~09 may 09,5.31 am
songs completed~10 may 09,3.59 am
haha.ok la for our 1st was my 1st song indeed.this is a slow and sad song.
then,bout 3,4 days lepas the song was completed,time tgh men gitar sorg2,aq dpt lagi ilham.
but this time bukan lagu try nk create a song different from the 1st tnye pndapat chong and dia kate the rythm was ok.then,dat nyte,bila fakhri datang apartment aq,aq bg dia dgr rythm yg aq buat,and dia pun kate,ape lagi.malam tu jugak fakhri cari lead untuk dat song and cari bass skali.after da siap musics,kitorg pun bkumpul la utk mencari lyric.then,about 4.30am,the song is it goes~
(1) C
di pagi hari sedar dari mimpi,
senyuman terukir wajah berseri,
walau cabaran datang melanda,
ku dan dirinya kan harungi bersama.
(2) C
berlari-lari mengejar mentari,
bukannya romantis tapi suka hati,
owh,dengan si dia bukan istimewa,
bukannya pacaran tapi berteman saja.
(3) C
menatap langit melihat bintang,
bersama si dia teman suka duka,
hey,jangan cemburu jangan prasangka,
kerna ku dan dia cuma berteman saja.
Am Em
susah dan senang harungi bersama,
Dm F
suka dan duka tiada curiga,
Am Em
ku dan dirinya tiada apa-apa,
Dm F
kerna dialah sahabat setia
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 5:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: leisures
Sunday, May 31, 2009
~Exam mode
lame sudah blog ini tidak dibuka.apakan daya examination week berlangsung~
paper yg sudah lepas~
1.Bio paper3
2.Bio paper1
4.Pure Math(soalan macam haramT-T)
5.Bio paper4
oncoming papers~
1.Bio paper2 5june
2Bio paper5 5june
3.Chem paper4 3june
4.Chem paper5 8june
sabarlah menanti ~haish
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 03, 2009
sekolahku sayang?
haish.bila tgk gmbr neh tringat time kecik2 kat kat 'penjara' dulu.haha.'penjara' yg rules ketat tahap dewa naga.heh.a prison called Sekolah Menengah Sains Alam Shah(ASiS).heh.2 taun kat sane macam2 pengalaman yg dapat.daripada x reti basuh baju sendiri sampai jadi pro basuh baju,daripada slalu makan sorang2 jadi macam mangsa banjir makan ramai2 satu dewan,blaja hidup berkongsi,learn how to make friends and macam2 la.ngee~
hidup kat hostel ni kalaw jadi budak baek x best.haha.even bila rules strict macam cibai pun, we stil can enjoy sebenanye.pandai2 la nk hidup.heh.benda kalaw busan cmne pun,as long as u hav friends round u,things can go along nicely.yea,tula perkara yg paling bharga yg ad kat sekolah,friends.
well,pict2 ni je la yg jadi kenangan dgn member2 time kat scol dulu.bila da habis scol ni,da x rapat mcm dl.kalaw dulu smpai da muak sbb 24/7 asyik tgk muke yg same je.kalaw x jumpe kat dorm jumpe kat clas,kat dining hall,kat padang,kat court basket xpun kat surau(kadang2 je la kat surau kot).hahah.
tp,bila da abes scol ni baru la kite nk trase yg its hard to find the moment dat we r very close to someone like in our school years.bila da abes scol neh,masing2 da bz to pursue their own career.
da x de mase nk hangout macam zaman sekolah dulu.haish.btol la orang cakap,kita x kn appreciate benda yg kita ad,but when we lost it baru kite trase kehilangannye.seriusly,i miss all my Rivolusis friends=(
haish,neway,let bygone be bygone.lyfe must go all Rivolusis,i wish u guys gud luck 4 ur future!and same goes to me.
current mood~nostalgic
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: memories
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Cahaya terang menembusi
Bagai sebuah kisah misteri
Kau mungkin … asing
Kau mungkin …
pernah ku kenal sebelum ini
Resah gelisah dibuatnya
Bagai sebuah cereka cinta
Haru … biru
Kelam … jiwaku
Semakin kacau
Siang malam termimpi mimpi
Pagi petang tercari cari
Tiap saat ternanti nanti
Kau masih tiada disisi
Apakah ini satu mimpi
Terasa bagai sebuah delusi
Ilusi … mata
Maian … jiwaku
Semakin kacau
Haru … biru
Kelam … jiwaku
Semakin kacau
a melody which really mean lot to me~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 9:22 PM 0 comments
ktt oh ktt~
haish..tggl lagi 2 bulan je kot dekat KTT.wut is more important is that A2 tinggal 2 minggu jew lagi.hahah.naseb ar,study pon x lagi neh.walaupun ktt neh x best,tapi pengalaman dgn mmbr2 yg wat life kat KTT neh best.hahah. antara time2 best dgn futsal same2,mkan mcD.ngee~
sweet memories!slaen dgn mmbr,pglmn2 stay kat ktt ad jugak~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 01, 2009
everything has the FIRST~
this is my 1st time doin dis blogging thing.hahah~
xsalah untuk mencuba en.for dis 1st post,i think its only time 4 me to find out how blogging works.
well,since dis is blog,guess i should introduce myself.
erm,nama Muhammad Fadhli bin Adnan.erm,org bese panggil fadhli,fadh,pali,ayie,emog, and teddy pun ad jugak.hahah.xtaw mane name2 neh datang.19 years old on 19th january 2009~
lahir kat KL and now taking a-level at Kolej Teknologi Timur,sepang.(or maybe can be called as kolej tunggu tumbang,ngee~).
i think,dis is all,4 da 1st post.later~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: personal