wuuuu~da 3 hari kat malaysia baru nk post pasal gi aussie neh.hahah.bz sket laaa. nk wat medical check up lagi,wat passport,visa~haihh.bz sungguh. ok2.cukup2.post neh pun nk cite sal aussie,so x leh ngarut lebey2.haha~ ermmm,Aussie x jauh beza sngt owh ngan malaysia. just sejuk sket jew negara tuh.yg len same jew kot.
hahah.ni pict kat Coolangatta airport. dia i think KLIA wus much better kot:P
ermm,cakap pasal Aussie msti org ingt cik koala dan abg kangaroo en?haha.so,naseb bek sempat jumpe dorg:) cumel owh! rase mcm nk panggang je or pegi wat bbq.haha.
haaaa,ni cik koala.keje dia makan and tido jew.sleep for 18 hours per day:)\kalah aku owh. haha.
pkataan "koala" tu sbnanye bmaksud "no drinks".dat means koala ni x minum. dia dpt air drpd daun yg dia makan jew.dia cume akan minum bila dia saket or tlampau excited=D yg ni pulak abg kangaroo.haha. mcm tikus pun ade rupe dia neh:) kan-ga-roo tu actually bermaksud i dont know~haha. believe it or not.
actually,zaman dulu,ade sorg zoology ni. org tnye dia,what is dat animal sir?and dia jawab, kan-ga-roo,yg bmksud i dont know.so,smpai skrg, haiwan tu dipanggil kangaroo:)
selain tu,xde pape sngt pun kat aussie ni.just 1 thing yg aq respect,aussies are very cautious bout zebra crossing.kalaw kat malaysia,org nk lintas lagi dia nk langgar.kalaw kat sane x.org x lintas lagi kereta da stop,giv way utk org lalu.ni sbb kalaw sape2 yg langgar pedestrian, akan digantung lesen and kene bayar saman yg tinggi.i think,bout 3000 aussie dolar kot:)
so,dats it kot,ni just some picture to show u guys hows australia looks like~
Thursday, July 30, 2009
AUSSIE mossie
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
btol2 x de mood skrg neh.xtaw nape. da la esok nk gi aussie da.ntah laa,pape je la.
mcm2 problem dtg.xdenye benda yg nk wat happy! life sucks~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
currently obsessed wif this chick up there~ emma watson or hermione granger in the harry potter.cute~ having such a cute smile=)
still in the mood of harry potter even the new movie was very slow.haihhh. neway,i really feel like flying rite now.and i will be away for australia for 5 days.haha.tangkap gambar dgn cik kangaroo~ im flying,WINGARDIUM LEVIORSA~
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 10:20 PM 0 comments
xtaw laaa.bila siang2,x rase pape sngt.tapi bila da tgh2 malam ni,baru trase sdey. keseorangan kowt~ haih.mmg sdey.1st of all,mmg la da dpt placement kat udayana.but,still,chong x dpt lagi placement kat mane2.aq risau and kesian kat dia.hari2 dgr leteran mak tercinta. i noe ur feeling chong,tapi dunnoe how to help u..dats y aq prefer diam diri bila start borak psl ni.kalaw leh, aku nk same university dgn chong.i enjoy my lyfe wif him.susah nk cari kawan jg sehati sejiwa ngan kita neh.i hope da best for u~
secondly,family.haihhh.da berkurun,tapi x settle2 lagi.im not close wif my parents.so,x rase ape sngt laa.but wut will happen to my sys and bro?dorg kecik lagi~
and,im missing my life at KTT.btol la org cakap.bila benda dpn mata,kita x pernah nk hargai.
tapi..bila dah xde,baru nk nyesal.haihhh.manusia,manusia.rindu nk men futsal malam2,shisha and yg plg pnting,rindu nk lepak gelak2 dgn kawan! i miss ALL of them! chong,boboy,josh,poyot, naj,acap,miq,dol,uncle,beto and ramai lagi laa.x larat nk tulis.
neway,need to keep myself happy,so dat i can entertain the person around me. hahha. they see me as a cheerful 'beruang',and i want them to keep thinking dat wat bout.so, be strong fadhli~
p/s~sory syaza,psl tadi tu.x bniat nk wat u marah
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 3:07 AM 0 comments
voices from heaven~
haih.da lame x dgr suara org nyanyi untuk si beruang neh.tiba-tiba malam ni ad si cumel nyanyi untuk dia.hahah.sedap2.walaupun dia tgh demam,tapi stil sdap.cian dia. thanx cik cumel:)
u really cheer me up tonite:) dah la tengah sdey2. chat ngan dia,layan perangai dia yg manje2 tu.
hahahah.it really cheers me up~
neway,ad 3 minggu lebey je lagi kat malaysia tercinta neh,then i will gone for good. haha.
going to udayana,bali.Cmne la agaknye life kat sane nnti kn? ni pun passport x settle lg, medical check up pun still not done.haiyaa~
haih.xlarat maw mnaip lagi neh.badan maseh panas,pening2 lagi.so,cukup la neh~
p/s~thanx again cik cumel:)
Posted by Si Beruang~ at 2:51 AM 0 comments